Reduce your belongings, distractions, and people who want to eat away at your time. If you can live deliberately and avoid getting caught up in the head-spinning speed of life and technology, you position yourself to optimize your performance and well-being. An active, sharp mind needs simplicity — now, more than ever.
We can never know how many years we have left on this planet; it is best to spend those years free of self-inflicted wounds. Here are five things to learn while you’re still young.
Toxic egotism happens when your identity is conflated with a sense of superiority. Learning how to kill your ego can serve you in a big way—in and out of the office. Here are 5 tips to keep yourself in check.
Procrastination seems like such a simple problem to solve. Instead of putting something off, just do it now. If only more people could embrace the art of starting. If only it was that simple for most of us. Check out this guide for getting things done.
You can’t write your own future. Yet you sure can work to mold it as you hope to see it. Always remember that you’re standing shoulder-to-shoulder with your future self. They are counting on you to do the right thing. Don’t make their life miserable.
You stand to benefit greatly by learning how to size up someone’s character and how to spot a jerk. Because a jerk is a wrecking ball to your quality of life.
In healthy doses, shame is formative, helps shape behavior, and gets us to improve. But there are some things we shouldn’t feel ashamed of at all. We’re all different. We have different likes and dislikes, passions, hobbies, and experiences. And as long as we aren’t hurting others, we should embrace them with confidence.
Leveraging chaos to your advantage is about being proactive, looking into the future, and understanding that the world is random and full of actors who are incompetent or have ill intentions.